Source code for bcdamenu.launcher

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2009-2019, UChicago Argonne, LLC.
# See LICENSE.txt file for details.

BcdaMenu: Creates a GUI menu button to start common software

.. autosummary::



import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
from functools import partial
import os
import sys
import threading

    from PyQt5.QtCore import *
    from PyQt5.QtGui import *
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
except ImportError:
    from PyQt4.QtCore import *
    from PyQt4.QtGui import *

    import subprocess32 as subprocess
    import subprocess
from . import config_file_parser

DEBUG = False
#DEBUG = True

[docs]class MainButtonWindow(QMainWindow): ''' the widget that holds the menu button .. autosummary:: ~receiver ~reload_settings_file ~build_user_menus ~showStatus ~historyUpdate ~toggleAutoScroll ~toggleDebug ~toggleEcho ~hide_history_window ~about_box ~closeEvent ''' process_responded = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None, settingsfilename=None): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.settingsfilename = settingsfilename if settingsfilename is None: raise ValueError('settings file name must be given') self.command_number = 0 self.command_echo = True self._init_gui() self.reload_settings_file() def _init_gui(self): self.statusbar = QStatusBar() self.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.menubar = QMenuBar() self.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.menubar.setNativeMenuBar(False) # keep menubar in the window self.historyPane = QPlainTextEdit() self.setCentralWidget(self.historyPane) self.historyPane.setLineWrapMode(False) self.historyPane.setReadOnly(True) self.toggleDebug(DEBUG) self.auto_scroll = True if self.debug: self.resize(500,300) self.historyPane.setStyleSheet("background: " + DEBUG_COLOR_ON) else: self.hide_history_window() self.resize(400,0) self.historyPane.setStyleSheet("background: " + DEBUG_COLOR_OFF) self.process_responded.connect(self.historyUpdate) self.showStatus('starting %s ...' % sys.argv[0]) self.admin_menu = QMenu('Help') self.menubar.addMenu(self.admin_menu) self.admin_menu.addAction('About ...', self.about_box) self.admin_menu.addSeparator() self.admin_menu.addAction('&Reload User Menus', self.reload_settings_file) self.admin_menu.addSeparator() self.admin_menu.addAction('(Un)hide &History panel', self.hide_history_window) # keyboard shortcuts def shortcut(sequence, action): cut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(sequence), self) cut.activated.connect(action) return cut shortcut("Ctrl+R", self.reload_settings_file) shortcut("Ctrl+H", self.hide_history_window) shortcut("Ctrl+D", self.toggleDebug) action = self.admin_menu.addAction('scroll to new output', self.toggleAutoScroll) action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(self.auto_scroll) action = self.admin_menu.addAction('command echo', self.toggleEcho) action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(self.command_echo) action = self.admin_menu.addAction('toggle &Debug flag', self.toggleDebug) action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(self.debug) self.user_menus = OrderedDict()
[docs] def receiver(self, label, command): '''handle commands from menu button''' msg = MAIN_SECTION_LABEL + ' (' + timestamp() + '), ' + label if command is None: msg += ': ' else: command = os.path.normpath(command) msg += ': ' + str(command) self.showStatus(msg, isCommand=True) if command is not None: self.command_number += 1 process_name = "id_" + str(self.command_number) # ref: process = CommandThread() process.setName(process_name) process.setDebug(self.debug) process.setSignal(self.process_responded) process.setCommand(command) process.start()
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def toggleAutoScroll(self): """change whether (or not) to keep new output in view""" self.auto_scroll = not self.auto_scroll state = {True: "on", False: "off"}[self.auto_scroll] self.process_responded.emit("auto scroll: " + state)
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def toggleDebug(self, debug_state = None): """change whether (or not) to output diagnostic information""" if debug_state is not None: self.debug = debug_state else: self.debug = not self.debug color = {True: DEBUG_COLOR_ON, False: DEBUG_COLOR_OFF}[self.debug] self.historyPane.setStyleSheet("background: " + color)
[docs] @pyqtSlot() def toggleEcho(self): """change whether (or not) to echo command before running it""" self.command_echo = not self.command_echo state = {True: "on", False: "off"}[self.command_echo] self.process_responded.emit("command echo: " + state)
[docs] def about_box(self): '''display an About box''' from .__init__ import (__version__, __url__, __author__, __issues__, __copyright__, __license_url__) from . import about print("DEBUG: about file:" + about.__file__) summary = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] # 1st line only msg = summary msg += '\n version: ' + __version__ msg += '\n URL: ' + __url__ self.showStatus(msg) ui = about.InfoBox(self) ui.setTodoURL(__issues__) ui.setDocumentationURL(__url__) ui.setLicenseURL(__license_url__) ui.setTitle(config_file_parser.MAIN_SECTION_LABEL) ui.setVersionText("software version: " + __version__) ui.setSummaryText(summary) ui.setAuthorText(__author__) ui.setCopyrightText(__copyright__)
[docs] def showStatus(self, text, isCommand=False): """write to the status bar""" self.statusbar.showMessage(text.splitlines()[0]) if not isCommand and self.command_echo: self.historyUpdate(text)
[docs] def historyUpdate(self, text): """record history where user can see it""" if self.historyPane is not None: self.historyPane.appendPlainText(text) if self.auto_scroll: self.historyPane.ensureCursorVisible() scroll = self.historyPane.verticalScrollBar() scroll.setValue(scroll.maximum())
[docs] def hide_history_window(self): """toggle the visibility of the history panel""" self.historyPane.setHidden(not self.historyPane.isHidden())
[docs] def reload_settings_file(self): '''(re)load the settings file and (re)create the menu(s)''' self.showStatus('(re)load settings: ' + self.settingsfilename) # read the settings file (again) self.config = read_settings(self.settingsfilename) # install the new user popup menu buttons self.menubar.clear() self.user_menus = OrderedDict() self.build_user_menus(self.config) self.menubar.addMenu(self.admin_menu) self.setWindowTitle(self.config['title'])
def _build_menu(self, menu, widget): for k, v in menu.itemDict.items(): if isinstance(v, config_file_parser.MenuItem): action = widget.addAction( v.label, partial(self.receiver, v.label, v.command)) elif isinstance(v, config_file_parser.MenuSeparator): widget.addSeparator() elif isinstance(v, config_file_parser.Menu): subwidget = QMenu(v.title) self.user_menus[v.sectionName] = subwidget self._build_menu(v, subwidget) widget.addMenu(subwidget) else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected: %s : " % k + str(v))
[docs] def build_user_menus(self, config): """build the user menus""" for menu in config['menus']: widget = QMenu(menu.title) self.user_menus[menu.sectionName] = widget self._build_menu(menu, widget) self.menubar.addMenu(widget)
[docs] @pyqtSlot(QCloseEvent) def closeEvent(self, event): # TODO: dispose any threads and timers pass
[docs]class CommandThread(threading.Thread): """ run the command as a subprocess in its own thread, report any output **Usage** :: process = CommandThread() process.setName(process_name) process.setDebug(self.debug) process.setSignal(self.process_responded) process.setCommand(command) process.start() :see: **Methods** .. autosummary:: ~run ~execute ~setCommand ~setDebug ~setSignal """ kwargs = { 'bufsize': 1, 'shell': True, 'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'universal_newlines': True, } def __init__(self): self.stdout = None self.stderr = None threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.signal = None self.debug = False self.command = None if == 'nt': # Windows self.kwargs['shell'] = False
[docs] def setCommand(self, command): """user's command to be run""" self.command = command
[docs] def setDebug(self, value): """`True` to output more diagnostics""" self.debug = value
[docs] def setSignal(self, signal): """designate the signal to use when subprocess output has been received""" self.signal = signal
[docs] def run(self): """print any/all output when command is run""" if self.debug: self.signal.emit("thread %s starting" % for line in self.execute(): if self.debug: line = " ".join([, timestamp(), ":", line]) self.signal.emit(line) if self.debug: self.signal.emit("thread %s ended" %
[docs] def execute(self): """run the command in a shell, reporting its output as it comes in""" if self.debug: yield + " started" process = subprocess.Popen(self.command, **self.kwargs) while not process.stdout.closed: stdoutdata, stderrdata = process.communicate() if stdoutdata is not None: for line in stdoutdata.splitlines(): yield line if self.debug: yield + " finished"
# try: # with subprocess.Popen(self.command, **self.kwargs) as process: # if self.debug: # yield + " started" # for buffer in iter(process.stdout.readline, ""): # for line in buffer.splitlines(): # yield line # if self.debug: # yield + " finished" # except AttributeError: # happens on Windows # pass
[docs]def read_settings(ini_file): ''' read the user menu settings from the .ini file ''' if not os.path.exists(ini_file): raise ValueError('settings file not found: ' + ini_file) settings = config_file_parser.readConfigFile(ini_file) return settings
[docs]def gui(settingsfilename = None): '''display the main widget''' app = QApplication(sys.argv) the_gui = MainButtonWindow(settingsfilename=settingsfilename) sys.exit(app.exec_())
[docs]def timestamp(): """ISO8601-compliant date & time string""" return str(
[docs]def main(): '''process any command line options before starting the GUI''' from .__init__ import __version__ version = __version__ doc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] doc += '\n v' + version parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=MAIN_SECTION_LABEL, description=doc) parser.add_argument('settingsfile', help="Settings file (.ini)") parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=version) params = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(params.settingsfile): raise IOError('file not found: ' + params.settingsfile) gui(settingsfilename = params.settingsfile)
if __name__ == '''__main__''': main()